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Please be aware that from 27th June 2022 the following cancellation policy comes into affect.


To cancel/reschedule appointment you need to contact me and give a minimum of 48hrs notice otherwise a charge will be applied .


50% of treatment if within 48-24Hrs  

100% if under 24hrs. 


 Please contact me if cancellation or rescheduling is required.


The data collected by A Shed Load of Massage is stored on an encrypted and secure server to be used for the sole purpose of clinical information to give you the best and safest treatment and will not be disclosed to any external sources. I am also registered with the ICO (Information Commissioners office).


I collect personal information in the form of email addresses, names, addresses, date of birth, medical conditions etc from the medical form and booking in website. A Shed load of Massage also collects data such as text messages and email correspondents or messages from social media outlets. These are all stored under the relevant system privacy policy. I also store telephone numbers on my phone which has a password encryption, these numbers are only stored using a first name and surname initial.

By signing the GDPR and Health form you are giving explicit consent for your information to be used and stored in accordance with the Data protection Act 2018, FHT rules, ICO and to be used for the purpose in this instance of treatment at A Shed Load of Massage.


This information is only used in relation to your treatments and again is stored complying with the General DATA protection Act of 2018 and the ICO.


My website is hosted by please be aware like many other websites it uses cookies which you have the choice to accept or not.


For insurance purposes these records shall be kept for at least 7 years following the last occasion on which treatment was given. This extends if the client is under 18 years to 7 years from your 18th birthday. After this time all paperwork will be destroyed and computer records will be deleted.


A Shed Load of Massage does not share personal/medical information with a third party without the consent of the client in reference to a referral to a medical practitioner and will never pass or sell on personal information. Personal and medical information can not be destroyed within this time frame even on request due to the constraints of my insurance and Governing body.


A Shed load of Massage may need to contact you from time to time in reference to your appointment and for information of up coming offers or general information on treatments.

You have the option to opt out by filing in the GDPR form attached to your appointment email.

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